Welcome to Vision of Restoration!
Vision of Restoration strives to advance the welfare, quality of life, and unity of children and adults by providing comprehensive, rehabilitative programs and services within the community. Our scope of programs includes mental health and social services, career development and enrichment, housing assistance, economic development and educational services.
Social Services
Restorative Justice and Violence Prevention programs for at-risk youth and emerging adults; Reentry and Behavioral Health Services; Academic and social skills training; Health and wellness screening and educational seminars; Civic engagement projects to foster community bonds and enhance relationships; Emergency assistance, counseling, and case management.

Employment and Educational Services
For emerging adults and adults reentering the workforce we offer, career development opportunities including job skills evaluation & development; resume & interview preparation; career enhancement services, including training seminars, development workshops, & basic computer training; viable information source for
employment opportunities & company profiles for job placement opportunities.
Housing Services
Referral services for those in need of affordable housing.; home-buying seminars; senior and veteran housing referrals; emergency and transitional placement for individuals displaced or facing housing insecurities.

Youth Development
Mentoring, Career Development, Summer Youth Employment Programs, Mental Health Counseling is an important factor in youth well-being and development. Youth Violence Prevention; Youth Peace Ambassadors, Restorative Practice School-Based programs and Youth Leadership Institute.